HMP The Verne, Portland, Dorset
The Verne Citadel is an incredible piece of architecture. Built in to the hillside atop the highest point of Portland and surrounded by an enormous moat, it’s Victorian grandeur in every sense. Built in the mid-late 18th century it became HMP The Verne – a category C prison in 1949.

Growing up on the island, The Verne had always been a place of mystery. Gazing down in to the moat and seeing arches leading in to darkness, walking around the perimeter and visitors car park looking through the old battlements & tunnels. There had always been a couple of abandoned buildings in the grounds too – extremely unsafe and weather-beaten, but interesting nonetheless.
In 2013 the prison was closed and plans put in place to turn it in to an immigration centre which would work as a kind of “holding pen” for around 600 illegal immigrants awaiting deportation. Some parts of the citadel were never converted from its military beginnings, and these antiquated, original parts are really interesting.

Walking across the bridge, easily 100ft over the moat there’s a distinct feeling of, “you ain’t getting out of here, son!” but over the prison’s 64 year period, there were in fact several escapees! HMP The Verne actually holds the record for the world’s most successful prison fugitive, notching up 60 years after escaping using knotted bedsheets!
Passing over the bridge you walk through a winding entrance tunnel, the kink in the tunnel presumably there to make would-be invaders life difficult if they ever managed to traverse the moat.
Once inside, there’s a lower level to your left, accessed via a set of stairs at the far end. It’s on this level where the old mortuary exists. Next to the mortuary is a room with a spiral staircase, it’s here where you descend in to the depths of the citadel towards the moat.

The next levels down are dark, stone passageways branching out to large rooms where infantry would defend the citadel through the slits in the thick stonework. Back to the spiral staircase you head down again and a large double-door exits in to the impressive ditch. And there’s really no easy way out of here! The moat walls surrounding you are dizzying and the thought of being a prisoner, seeing daylight thinking you’ve escaped to be confronted with this would be demoralising to say the least!
The moat has two doors around the base, the second door leads to a much more dormant, abandoned section of the citadel with passageways to the interior all blocked off. Graffiti on the walls suggest that this has been a local hang-out for kids over the decades. In fact, ask any Portlander who grew up in Fortuneswell and the surrounding areas and they’ll tell you that they often played in the prison grounds & tunnels.

Important, noteworthy & interesting comments are highlighted below
Yes folks I lived in Amelia Close on Portland I was brought up there… as a nipper always used to go to Forbidden City. Great fun, finding live bullets and liked to explore with friends. Also by the Verne opposite the huge golf ball there’s also tunnels you have to use rope to climb up to get in like a small prison window, they used to get blocked off but there’s always peeps who will hack away the concrete blocks lol. Going down the moat was good used to see the screws on top of the moat with their dogs but nothing happened but did panic lol. Good old times.
Hi Jordan I’m also from “The Rock” was there just this weekend gone actually. I’m from The Grove. We also used to get chased from the Forbidden City. We went into some tunnels at The Verne but am keen to find out which tunnels you are talking about to see if we can find and access them.
Oh the memories! We were in the first of the row of four semi detached houses from ‘67-72, hated leaving there as it was safe to be wild and run free! The huge prison metal upright with reinforced concrete slabbed walls were built while we were there and as kids we collected the bits of metal that had fallen off which were all highly magnetic! We thought all prisoners needed was metal boots to just walk up and over! Naïeve! Happiest years of my life ty for sharing these gorgeous photos!
You didn’t have football wallpaper by any chance?
Hi, can you still get in this place?
Sadly, only if you either;
A) Wait for an open day
B) Become a sex offender
Used to live there when I was small. We had two of the flats, one was mid floor in the right hand building, then lower corner on the left. After that we went to a house over by the Govs house near the bottom end.
Have some fond memories of the place, wandering around freely with the dog. Always foggy/low cloud, but strangely beautiful on a sunny day. We used to play around the prison – as already said by Guard, you couldn’t get anywhere near the prison area. That’s not to say you didn’t meet the prisoners. Low risk would work the farm, paint the railings and so on, so would be around. You would chat with them and they were nice enough. This was the 70’s, it wasn’t so strict as it is today, and people had respect for each other.
Last time I set foot on the place was in the late eighties, the houses weren’t lived in then. We had left in probably mid to late 70’s. Maybe one day I’ll go back and have a nose around.
We were in one of those houses from ’67 until ‘72 in prefab with toadstools and grass growing inside woohoo! Over winter before house was ready. View across to mainland was amazing and fog over the sea, wonderful memories of yes wandering free around the ramparts and nearly falling when bravely (stupidly) climbing over fence above tunnel for a dare! Lovely to see someone else who experienced it!
Did a stay here in 1948 with the Newbury Army Cadets AW. Trying to write a story of that week, eek camp
I have been in most of all the places known as secret on Portland like this place under the Verne prison from the moat access tunnels, also there is an underground bunker in the car park which I’ve been in. Down on Portland Port, there is Forbidden City and the underground hospital which was a scary place. I have been in the old buildings on the Verne only yesterday lol. Okay, my best place was a 65-foot ladder down a nuke bunker in which I got arrested on the way out still it was worth it for all the effort it took to get to these places. I have a Facebook page with all the images on if you would like to see them contact me.
I’d love to see your fb page!
Hi, it would be good to talk as I’m a YouTuber and live in Wareham near Portland and would like to go to all the mysteries of Portland but I would like some context on it and what they are and where to find them. Kind regards. Could you email me: Any one else feel free to message me about this
Hi Nicola
Would love to see the photos on your FB page if you could share a link that would be fab 😊
Hi do you have your Facebook page there, I would love to take my partner to some of theses sights.
Me and a few friends want to go and was wondering if you can still get in?
My email is
Hey Nicola. I’m fascinated by these kinds of places. I’m thinking of doing a day in Portland early next year. I’d love any info you can share on how to find these places.
Hi, me and my partner were looking to have a look round here if you could give us some information and how to get there that would be great. I know you’re not supposed to publicly disclose locations but we’ve seen Swan mine and Monkton Farleigh, looking forward to Box Mine and we’d love to know of more, we’ve done our research but due to everything being so secret I was hoping someone could help. Here’s my email;
Any of these places still accessible? It’s really depressing how much they’ve blocked off and denied access to.
What’s your page, would be interested? Went in to the bunker by Fancy’s Farm today.
Hi Olly,
Is that actually on the farm, to the right hand side?
Omg how did u get in the bunker always wanted to go in there as I only live in Weymouth
Hi Nicola
I am very interested in seeing your pictures.
Could you please send me the link.
Would love someone to show me around Portland. If anyone is interested please contact me.
Graham who used to go to Underhill Junior school? Headmaster Mr Anderson?
I would love to know of these locations if you could tell me, I neeeeeed to exploreeee!
Please can you share your Facebook page on Portland. I come down to Dorchester frequently and would love to explore some of the places you suggested
Hi Nicola,
I was born on the island and explored most of it as a kid. I’d be very interested in any pics you might have on FB. My name on FB is Steve Jackson and my profile pic is a monkey lol.
Steve Jackson
Hi Nicola, is it possible for you to send me a link for your Facebook page to view your photos please, my name is Charlie Leaver. Email is
Thank you Nicola.
I was at the Verne for 6 years. I had constant incitement, severe psychological interrogation. A dentist that left me in pain and then said he’d see me again in 4 weeks. Anthony Bansil. Before that I was in pain with toothache for 10 months. They wouldn’t let me see a dentist. Come the end I had to take my own tooth out. Oh and I had 2 weeks of White Noise.
Within regards to the prison, do they still do open days? We have been looking into the forbidden city (we were there we just just lost light) I would love to see what’s there especially the Victorian tunnel…
I’m not sure if they’ve ever done open days? There was a series of open days linked to the b-side festival a few years ago but nothing since to my knowledge.
I would be wary of the ‘Forbidden City‘ – new by-laws in place mean that civil trespass does not apply within the port and you’ll be liable to more serious repercussions. And if you’re looking for the Victorian cliff tunnel, it’s not within the port…
Hi, how to get to this any tips?
Dear moderators,
I have video of excursion into officers mess at Verne, Also we’ve videoed the house on top of page where Malc Ellery on this page lived, lots of 60s wallpaper.
Steve & Zach
Hey can you get in at night? My email ryangod059@gmail if anyone can help, thanks.
Malcolm Ellery? His sister Karen was my best mate and we were in same class at junior school. Sadly lost contact long ago as prison service moved Dad way too much! How lovely to see a name I recognise and yes I remember their home, always welcoming and they had tortoises!
The VERNE officers mess entered
We’ve just got back from wild camping on top of Portland in the car park adjacent to the South entrance of Verne prison. The parking is not enforced and a happy bunch of campers there during Sunday to Thursday. Locals told me the undesirables (doggers) take it over during weekends. We drove straight into the prison via main entrance. Followed directions to the cafe. The cafe was shut, got chatting to a couple of orderlys with big keys having a smoke. No one battered an eye that we were in the prison or asked what we were doing. I asked one of the wardens about the dereliction opposite his office. “Those buildings have been unoccupied for over 20 yrs., Wander round the back of the cafe” he added, Beautiful views and place for dogs to run”…
We disappeared into the cafe garden which has a pair of life-size usable stocks for photo opps. Quietly we proceeded to walk around the eerie Victorian buildings and sneak in by twisting a gate and slipping through. Ceilings are on floors, feet go through floors. Got upstairs on stone staircase but near fell through ceiling and had to walk back over floor on piece of wood. I left my boy downstairs in safer area. A good place but very, very dangerous.
Hi I’m new to urban exploring and find it very interesting. I am looking to explore this place, do you have directions on how to get there please? Is it anywhere near the battery by Fancys Farm? Many Thanks
I hate to break it to you buddy, but you weren’t even close to being inside the prison. Those buildings that you entered? Not even owned by the prison service anymore, they’re owned by a construction firm and are only fenced off for peoples safety as – like you said – it is incredibly unsafe in there and liable to collapse at any moment. The actual prison is the interior of the 25 foot tall barbed wire metal wall that you would have had to walk past. The rest of the grounds of the Verne (through the big stone tunnel) are still technically no public access and there is a sign at the entrance of it to say as much, but everyone is granted automatic right of way. This however can be revoked if people act suspiciously around the perimeter wall or put themselves and others at risk by entering the condemned buildings.
To anyone thinking of going into these buildings, please don’t. There is nothing of interest in there and you could lose your life, they are falling to pieces bit by bit every day.
I grew up at The Verne, arrived in 1956. Different times then. We could go through the prison from the staff quarters and exit on the tophill side.
I saw my first James Bond film (Dr No) in the gym by the main gate. Years later I performed in the gym in ‘Doctor in the House’, which we presented for the inmates. My father worked at the Borstal as civilian instructor and was given quarters at the Verne. The old hospitals under the gun stations were known to us kids as ‘the dungeons’ and of course were “haunted”. One boy climbed onto the ledge on the outside of the wall overlooking HMS Osprey. They thought he was an escapee, he couldn’t get back over the wall an alert went out. Fortunately I was rescued and the alert cancelled.
Is this still accessible? I’m somewhat new at urban exploring but I’d love to get into here with a friend!
Did you get in?
I ventured here about a year ago with my boy (kinda thought if caught trying to get to the shooting range or old mock village I could blame him) so we parked up near the main prison and followed a gap in the bushes running level to the sea, we eventually came to 7 foot spiked railings with a devotion missing with a huge keep out sign. We slipped through and came to some buildings that looked like a machine gun post, I could see the way in to the old fort some 39m down the slope, there was a rope to drop down 12 feet or so but couldn’t see it being easy for my lad to get back up.
So taking the bull by the horns we followed a footpath that twisted around the hill and straight to the fort. It was going well until I noticed a very sophisticated CCTV camera locked on to us, we were so close but thinking a bit sensible much annoying my teenager I bottled it and made our way the way we had come. I’m thinking of going back and nailing it, has anyone been recently? What happened when you went? Thanks
How do you get into the abandoned part and do you know if the CCTV works and if you can get in that way.
Yes it does and not long been upgraded
So is it possible or not? Looking at it… it doesn’t seem possible. Have you been recently?
Not been there since 2015 when I finished working there
Is there any chance you could please email me with details how to get to here/get into here please Urban Explorer as I would really love to take a group of my friends who I go exploring with here?
Personally I’d stay away for a few months!
Okay, thanks for the heads up! Will keep away for a little while! :)
Hi Beth we are planning on exploring some of Portland if you’re keen on tagging along this goes to anyone else.
Certainly Matt! :) could you drop me an email at so we can sort something?
Hi Matt, I live on Portland and have a group of friends coming down on the weekend of the 17th March. If that ties in with your exploring let me know.
Cheers Giles
Hi Giles,
Hope your good.
I’ve recently tried to access the forbidden village and failed with my 12yr old boy. We got into Verne officers mess Victorain derelict buildings next to the cafe in there. I’d love to access the hospital &/or the village. Any help please email me
We live in Portsmouth and have been in Fraser Ranges, Hasler Hospital, the radio command room for D-Day and the oil storage depot inside Portsdown Hill. We regularly go to Fort Gillkicker nr Gosport. I can take you to the radio control room and Gillkicker if you could show me your ways on Portland?
Kind Regards, Steve
Hiya Matt,
Have you already been to this place or still waiting to go? Would absolutely love to join you if the chance is still there :)
Are you guys still exploring the area?
Hi looking to access this site any ideas?
I used to live in a Hawksley prefabricated bungalow just opposite the derelict house in the first photo. Was there from 1957 to 1963 when the family moved down to Verne Common Road. A great place to grow up and explore but rather isolated from the rest of the islands community.
Interesting, never knew they were called “Hawksley” bungalows. I was there from 63-72 in number 23, a bit farther down the road towards the Gov’s house to the left of the picture.
Well, well! Hi Malcolm! If she’s around give Karen my love! Old classmate, play pal and sweetie eater of Karen’s! Loved playing at your house as we weren’t allowed sweets or cakes and your Mum always had something yummy for me oh and you had tortoises!! I think you left just after we did. I was in touch as the daft 12 year old I was with Joanne Narramore for a year but no pocket money for stamps and I was encouraged not to hold on to past friends as we moved too damn much! Lovely to see an old name and yes our first long winter, six months, were in a prefab next to the Mr & Mrs Bradbury with chickens that laid double yolk eggs, and we had the novelty of toadstools and grass growing in the corners, oh the good old days! Lol Hope you and your family are all well!
You must have there when we were there. We were in one of the 2 wooden huts opposite the club. We then moved down to one of the stone bungalows near the main gate. We were rather a world apart there. Enjoyed the tennis courts and sliding down the banks on corrugated bits of metal or cardboard. We had one of the family of dogs, Whiskey, Blackie and we had Penny.
I am so surprised that these vacant places you shoot have not become home to shooting galleries for heroin or meth addicts. Did you happen upon anyone like that anywhere you’ve been? Usually these types of places become home to all sorts. I’d LOVE to do an art installation in one of them.
We don’t tend to have those kind of problems in the UK, Anne. Especially in the more rural locations. Luckily I’ve never happened upon any “undesirable” while exploring but I know many who have in the bigger city areas.
How do you get in?
Went down there but the bridge has CCTV and metal guards preventing you from climbing/walking over it. The immigration centre is still there and up & running… we went inside and up to the top and even had lunch in the Prison Cafe. We couldn’t get in to the actual tunnels/prisons/photos shown here sadly. We did find the gun range and lost city close by though…
Can pics, has the whole thing been converted to an immigration centre or are the bits pictured still unused?
Looks amazing, can’t wait to pay it a visit in the near future!
According to the MOJ page, it’s still in use as an immigration removal centre?
Wonderful pics. Love the fact the plastic bag is there!
What a fantastic place and still in very good nick! Well done and thanks.
Always look forward to seeing your escapades!
Nice one! I wondered when I might be seeing this place on your website, great photos and feed as always mate